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March 17, 2024 

7 Adar II 5784 ז׳ בַּאֲדָר ב׳ תשפ״ד

Your Sisterhood Board is working for you!



Marilyn Geiger & Cynthia Hodosh

The clocks have changed and the days are longer…a sure sign that spring is almost here. Of course, the pollen has arrived as well.

A more welcome sign of spring is Sisterhood’s annual Women’s Seder, which will be held on April10th. Registration is open now. Enjoy a special evening of music, dance, and friendship, with a service led by Rabbi Stephanie. We hope you’ll join us.

Our Annual Meeting and spring lunch will be held in the Barbara Pearlstine Social Hall on Sunday, May 5th . Watch for the registration announcement coming soon. Our new 2024-25 Board will be installed at the Sisterhood Shabbat on May 10th .

Planning your Passover table? There is no better place to find beautiful things than our own Chosen Treasures gift shop. If you can’t make it in, call us at 843-723-7324 and let us do a virtual shop for you.

With love,

Cynthia and Marilyn


FOR 2024-25:


Marilyn Geiger

Sheila Winett 


Sharon Alexander


Jacki Stevens

Jamie Finch


Sherrie Feinstein 


Susan Lipsey


Margie Grossman


Yasmine Rana 


Judy Carle 


Lois Sugarman


Cynthia Hodosh


Gail Snow

Betti Greenstein

Jody Pinon

Shoshanna Richek

Beth Novick 

Jane Norris

Caitlin Adelson


Dunlap Silver


Diane Tichi


Get ready for March Mahjong Madness game day on March 20th, 1pm. The last day to register is March 15th. Proceeds will benefit Israel.

You should have received an email notice to register for Sisterhood Seder and will soon receive an invitation email to participate (Hebrew or English) in the Sisterhood Shabbat. Your timely responses for Shabbat participation is greatly appreciated.

  • Future Dates: 
  • March 20th – March Mah Jong Madness!
  • April 10th – Sisterhood Seder
  • May 5th – Annual Meeting
  • May 10th – Sisterhood Shabbat
  • May 22nd – Gil Hoffman, Speaker 

    Co-Vice Presidents


    Davida Uress & Shoshanna Richek


    Vice President Membership

    Sheila Winett

    KKBE's membership is growing and Sisterhood is growing right along with it!  Geri Perkal and Julia Frakes are our newest members.  Plese take time to welcome them when you can.  New KKBE members are offered complimentary membership in Sisterhood through the end of the fiscal year in which they join.  That is June 30, 2024 this year. 

    If you know a woman who you think would enjoy our sisterhood programs and meeting our dynamic group of Jewish women, please let me know or give her my contact information.  I'm reachable at

    Follow us on Facebook at:


    Business hours:

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

    10:00 am - 3:30 pm 

    Sunday 1:00 - 3:30 pm

    Sisterhood members receive a 10% discount on items over $10 

    (exclusive of books and kosher scrolls)

    Are you ready for Passover and your Seder?  Chosen Treasures Gift Shop is! 

    The gift shop has an extensive selection of Seder plates, matzah plates, matzah covers, Haggadahs, Elijah’s cups, children’s Passover gifts and much more! Come see the new Passover merchandise and giftware or invite your friends and family to call (843) 723-7324 and 


    Vice President

    Chosen Treasures

    Margie Grossman


    Sisterhood Historian

    Lois Sugarman

    Purim Today

    Lois Sugarman

    We celebrate Purim by reading the megillah, booing when Haman’s name is said, sounding our groggers, dressing up, participating in a carnival, and of course, eating hamantaschen. This year, these age-old traditions have contemporary relevance. As Elyssa Mosbacher of the East End Temple in New York City writes, the story behind Purim is “not just a story about people who may have lived long ago. These characters also show us timeless examples of ego, power, dignity, humility and bravery, and hold plenty of lessons for our modern lives.”

    One of my favorite Purim songs is “Once There Was a Wicked, Wicked Man.” It is about the villain of the Purim story, Haman. The song says that he was so “wicked” because “he would have murdered all Jews though they were not to blame.” Who Haman was and why he was so despicable is one of the underlying themes of the Purim story. As we hear of his “wickedness,” we must reflect on modern manifestations of hatred and anti-Semitism. Fortunately, Haman was beaten. As the song goes, “oh today, we’ll merry, merry be and nosh some hamantaschen.” Haman is “eaten” because he is evil enough to do away with. We must ensure that the Hamans of today are likewise defeated.

    The Purim story also provides us with many positive role models. Of course, we admire the heroine, Esther, who takes a courageous stand and saves the Jewish people. Yet there is also Mordechai, who possesses great wisdom, and King Ahasuerus, who eventually makes the right decision. Some early commentators criticized Vashti, the first wife of King Ahasuerus, who was banished when she refused to entertain guests at a feast. Today, however, writers praise her independent spirit. Perhaps she shows us the importance of having dignity and self-respect.

    Let us enjoy the fun and the games of Purim, but in the end, let us remember why we are Temple.


    NEXTGEN Chair

    Jamie Finch

    KKBE Sisterhood is thrilled to introduce a new initiative called NextGen Sisterhood. Our primary focus will be on you—the Next Generation of Sisterhood members.

    While the concept of a synagogue's sisterhood is familiar to many, few truly understand the extensive contributions they make. Sisterhood plays a vital role within a synagogue by offering diverse programming, organizing events, fostering social connections, providing financial support, offering education, facilitating service and study opportunities, and, most importantly, cultivating friendships.

    With a renewed emphasis on family, we'll be hosting events tailored to your specific age and stage—covering topics such as college planning, teen discussions, date nights, bagel and coffee talk-and-learns, and more.

    Your participation is warmly welcomed. Feel free to reach out with any questions or ideas; we value both. Join us on this exciting journey!

    Jamie can be contacted at


    I’d like to recognize Stephenie Rosen for revitalizing our Sisterhood Baking Group here at KKBE. In honor of Irene Gilbert, who loved baking and sharing with others, Stephanie has chosen to rename the group 'Irene’s Bakers’. What a wonderful way to honor such a dear friend to so many here at KKBE. 

    Irene's Bakers will be providing the baked sweets for Rabbi Kanter’s farewell service and Oneg on March 29th, as well as, the Sisterhood Shabbat on May 10th. 

    Thank you, Stephanie, for leading this group, and for all our Sisterhood baking volunteers that are willing to share their delicious talents.

    If you’d like to join Ilene’s Bakers, you can contact Stephanie at

    As always, if you have any questions or need help with our website, please contact meat:

    Vice President Communications

    Susan Lipsey

    Sisterhood Dues are for the year July 1 through June 30, 2024

    • If you need assistance in renewing your account, contact Sheila Winett, VP Membership, CLICK HERE
    • If you need assistance with payment by check, contact Sherrie Feinstein, Treasurer, CLICK HERE

    Please consider donating to one of our Sisterhood funds.  We now have a history of these funds. If your click on their names, you will be automatically taken to our Donations page where you can read about these amazing women and their legacy. It’s very enlightening! . 

    Mildred Bernstein Kitchen Fund

    Marian Birlant Slotin Bereavement Fund

    You can donate online on our Donations Page or by mailing your check to our Treasurer, Sherrie Feinstein, at:

    1933 Gammon Street, Charleston, SC 29414

    • Sisterhood members who have reached your 80th birthday, please let Sheila Winett know. We’d love to honor you by adding your information to our Sisterhood list. 
    • Know someone who is not yet a member who might enjoy the camaraderie of Sisterhood? 
    Contact Sheila Winett at:

    WRJ SE District has it going on! CLICK HERE for more information.

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